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Library Trustee Minutes 09/10/07
James A. Tuttle Library
45 Main Street, Antrim, NH 03440

Board of Trustees Meeting
September 10, 2007

Present: Kathy Chisholm, (Library Director), Janis King, Connie Kirwin and Margaret Warner (Co-Chair).

Pre-Meeting: Ron Hagget, clerk of the works for the addition construction, gave a progress report.
"       Discussed the recommended purchase of a generator similar to the one at town hall and the fire station to maintain all the electrical systems at the Library during a power outage. Estimated cost $30,000.
"       It was voted unanimously to authorize Ron to meet with a representative of the generator vendor, the electrician, and John Kendall to review the specs and obtain a more accurate price.
"       Kathy will notify the CIP committee of the inclusion of this item in the 2008 budget.
"       Ron reported that the elevator installation is completed and inspection will be on Wednesday Sept. 12th.
"       Kathy will be at the inspection and will ask specific questions regarding the operation of the elevator.
"       Ron recommended that upon completion of the entire project, including the renovation of the old building, the trustees should request an inspection and assessment from Primex, the town's insurance company to bring insurance coverage up to date.
"       Ron reported that it was decided that the old boiler/furnace will be retrofitted and used as the heating system in the renovated old building. However, it was recommended that the chimney be inspected to determine its usability.

Minutes: minutes from August 13, 2007 accepted.

Treasurer's Report: (See attached). Margie reported on the following items as Nancy was not present:
"       Semi-annual trust funds were received.
"       Expenses are within budget.

Library Director's: (See attached).
"       Kathy e-mailed her report to the Trustees prior to the meeting.
"       Kathy reported that she will have one staff member on sick leave for about a month so she will review and contact the applicants for the substitute position.

Old Business:
"       Progress on the computers is current. Allan Treadwell was authorized to purchase and install the server.
"       Kathy said that they will start using the computer usage forms after the move into the addition.

New Business:
"       Margie reported that Dottie Durgin offered to sew pillows for the window bench in the children's room in the new addition. Margie and Nancy purchased the material to blend nicely with the color décor.
"       Kathy updated us on the plans for the move including a clipboard with the schedule of events that will take place prior to the move.
"       She has met with the book movers who will be at the Library on Mon. and Tues., Sept. 17 and 18.
"       The Library will be closed at noon on Friday September 14th when the builders will be breaking through the passage from the new addition into the old building.
"       The phone service has been ordered with TDS. An intercom system was discussed again. Connie will check Radio Shack for ideas.
"       Kathy reported that it was discussed among the libraries in Hillsboro, Hancock and Bennington that they should consider pooling their lists of substitutes. It was thought that if more hours were available among the libraries they might have better luck in hiring substitutes.
"       Kathy left for the remainder of the meeting at which the policy manual was discussed. Janis will complete a final version containing the corrections from the August meeting.
"       Since the second Monday in October is a holiday, Columbus Day, it was decided to meet on the third Monday, October 15th. Janis will check with Bill Prokop about 2008 budget meetings in case we need to meet earlier and have to change the meeting to the first Monday of October.

Next meeting: October 15, 2007 at 7:30 pm.

        Respectfully submitted,
        Connie Kirwin, Secretary